
C.ダーウィンの日記(1836年9月21日) [ダーウィンが行く(後半)]


C.ダーウィンの日記(大西洋; アゾレス諸島、テルセイラ)



翌日、領事が親切に私に彼の馬を貸してくれて、島の中央の活動中の火口だとされている地点まで行く案内人を用意してくれた。両側の石壁が高い深く刻まれた小道を登って行き、はじめの3マイルの間私たちは多くの家屋と庭を通った。その後かなりでこぼこした平野部に入った。そこは比較的最近の玄武岩質溶岩の流れの丘から出来ていた。岩のある部分は約3フィート[0.9144m]の丈の濃い芝で、そしてまた他の部分はヒース、シダ、それから丈の低い牧草で覆われていた。いくつかの砕け落ちた古い石壁があってウェールズの山々との類似を完璧なものとしていた。 さらには、英国での昔なじみの昆虫や鳥たち、つまりムクドリ、ハクセキレイ、ズアオアトリやクロウタドリを私は見出した。


いわゆる火口に到着してみると、私にはそれがちょっとした陥没、あるいはむしろ高地に隣接した出口のない短い谷であることが分かった。底部はいくつもの大きなひび割れが横切っていてそこから、ほぼ1ダースの地点であるが、蒸気の小さな噴出が出ていて、蒸気機関のボイラーのひび割れからのようになっていた。不規則な開口部近くの蒸気は手をかざすには熱すぎる。ほんのわずかの臭気しかないのだが、鉄で出来ているもの全て黒くなるのであり、また皮膚にたいしては特異な刺激があることからすると、この蒸気は混じりけのないものではあり得ず、私が思うにはこれはいくらかの塩酸の気体を含んでいるのであろう。 周りの粗面岩状の溶岩に及ぼすその効果は奇妙なもので、しっかりとした石が全体に純粋な純白の陶土に変えられるか、あるいは一種の明るい赤ないしは2色で大理石模様になっている。蒸気は湿って熱い粘土を通して噴き出しているのである。この現象が長年このように続いて来ている。かつて裂け目から炎が出たと云われている。雨の間、各堤からの水がこれらの裂け目に流れ入るに違いなく、まさしくこの水がなんらかの熱せられた地中の溶岩の近くに滴り落ちることによってこの現象が起きるということはありそうな事である。



[注] C.ダーウィンの日記の1834年7月13日付けの記事を参照..


[地図] アゾレス諸島、テルセイラ島 (緑色のマップポインターはビーグル号が停泊したアングラ泊地)..

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[天候: Capt.R.FitzRoy]

The next day the Consul kindly lent me his horse & furnished me with guides to proceed to a spot, in the centre of the island, which was described as an active crater. — Ascending in deep lanes, bordered on each side by high stone walls, for the three first miles, we passed many houses and gardens. We then entered on a very irregular plain country, consisting of more recent streams of hummocky basaltic lava. The rocks are covered in some parts by a thick brushwood about three feet high, and in others by heath, fern, & short pasture: a few broken down old stone walls completed the resemblance with the mountains of Wales. I saw, moreover, some old English friends amongst the insects, and of birds, the starling, water wagtail, chaffinch and blackbird.
There are no houses in this elevated and central part, and the ground is only used for the pasture of cattle and goats. On every side, besides the ridges of more ancient lavas, there were cones of various dimensions, which yet partly retained their crater-formed summits, and where broken down showed a pile of cinders such as those from an iron foundry. —

When we reached the so called crater, I found it a slight depression, or rather a short valley abutting against a higher range, and without any exit. The bottom was traversed by several large fissures, out of which, in nearly a dozen places, small jets of steam issued, as from the cracks in the boiler of a steam engine. The steam close to the irregular orifices, is far too hot for the hand to endure it; — it has but little smell, yet from everything made of iron being blackened, and from a peculiar rough sensation communicated to the skin, the vapour cannot be pure, and I imagine it contains some muriatic add gas. — The effect on the surrounding trachytic lavas is singular, the solid stone being entirely converted either into pure, snow white, porcelain clay, or into a kind of bright red or the two colours marbled together: the steam issued through the moist and hot clay. This phenomenon has thus gone on for many years; it is said that flames once issued from the cracks. During rain, the water from each bank, must flow into these cracks; & it is probable that this same water, trickling down to the neighbourhood of some heated subterranean lava, causes this phenomenon. — Throughout the island, the powers below have been unusually active during the last year; several small earthquakes have been caused, and during a few days a jet of steam issued from a bold precipice overhanging the sea, not far from the town of Angra.

I enjoyed my day's ride, though I did not see much worth seeing: it was pleasant to meet such a number of fine peasantry; I do not recollect ever having beheld a set of handsomer young men, with more good humoured pleasant expressions.1 The men and boys are all dressed in a plain jacket & trowsers, without shoes or stockings; their heads are barely covered by a little blue cloth cap with two ears and a border of red; this they lift in the most courteous manner to each passing stranger. Their clothes although very ragged, appeared singularly clean, as well as their persons; I am told, that in almost every cottage, a visitor will sleep in snow white sheets & will dine off a clean napkin. Each man carries in his hand a walking staff about six feet high; by fixing a large knife at each extremity, they can make this into a formidable weapon. — Their ruddy complexions, bright eyes & erect gait, made them a picture of a fine peasantry: how different from the Portugeese of Brazil! —
The greater number, which we this day met, were employed in the mountains gathering sticks for fire-wood. — A whole family, from the father to the least boy, might be seen, each carrying his bundle on his head to sell in the town. Their burthens were very heavy; this hard labour & the ragged state of their clothes too plainly bespoke poverty, yet I am told, it is not the want of food, but of all luxuries, a case parallel to that of Chiloe. —

Hence, although the whole land is not cultivated, at the present time numbers emigrate to Brazil, where the contract to which they are bound, differs but little from slavery. It seems a great pity that so fine a population should be compelled [to] leave a land of plenty, where every article of food, meat, vegetables & fruit, — is exceedingly cheap & most abundant, 2 but the labourer finds his labour of proportionally little value.–

1 Followed by deleted sentence: 'A surprising number of the boys had white or lightly coloured hair, which from its strangeness to our eyes made it the more pleasing.'
2 The following page is numbered both 764 and 765.


ここで扱うのは私の以前書いていたブログ "ダーウィンの日記(III)"
[特に 以降]


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