
ダーウィンの日記1832年9月8日 [ダーウィンが行く]



[前夜泊まった砦を出て]朝早くボートまでウマに乗って行き、強めの風のもと、昼半ばまでには船に着いた。すると、ウマに乗った2人の男が船を偵察していたとの報告が艦長に対してあった。艦長はスペイン人の場合はそれほど小さな隊で敢てここまで来る事はないだろうと知っているから、それはインディアン[原文 "Indians"; 先住民]であろうとの結論になった。この地点の近くで薪や水を補給するつもりでいたので、そこになんらかの[先住民の]宿営地があるのかどうかを確認する事が必要となった。かくて3艘のボートに人員が乗って武装して進んだところ、岸に着く前に5人の男がウマを全速力で丘に沿って飛ばして走り、それから止まった。



[地図]ビーグル号が停泊していた地点("Wells—Anchorstock Hill")の位置概略..

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We rode to the boat early in the morning; & with a fresh breeze arrived at the ship by the middle of the day. — It was then reported to the Captain that two men on horseback had been reconnoitring the ship. The Captain well knowing that so small a party of Spaniards would not venture so far, concluded they were Indians. — As we intended to wood & water near to that spot it was absolutely necessary for us to ascertain whether there was any camp there. — Accordingly three boats were manned & armed; before reaching the shore, we saw five men gallop along the hill & then halt. The Captain upon seeing this sent back the other two boats, wishing not to frighten them but to find out who they were. — When we came close, the men dismounted & approached the beach, we immediately then saw it was a party of cavalry from Baia Blanca. — After landing & conversing with them, they told us they had been sent down to look after the Indians; this to a certain degree was true, for we found marks of a fire; but their present purpose evidently was to watch us; this is the more probable as the officer of the party steadily kept out of sight, the Captain having taxed them with being so suspicious; which they denied. — The Gauchos were very civil & took us to the only spot where there was any chance of water. — It was interesting seeing these hardy people fully equipped for an expedition. — They sleep on the bare ground at all times & as they travel get their food; already they had killed a Puma or Lion; the tongue of which was the only part they kept; also an Ostrich, these they catch by two heavy balls, fastened to the ends of a long thong. — They showed us the manner of throwing it; holding one ball in their hands, by degrees they whirl the other round & round, & then with great force send them both revolving in the air towards any object. — Of course the instant it strikes an animals legs it fairly ties them together. — They gave us an Ostrich egg & before we left them, they found another nest or rather depositary in which were 24 of the great eggs. — It is an undoubted fact that many female Ostriches lay in the same spot, thus forming one of these collections.

Having given our friends some dollars, they left us in high good humor & assured us they would some day bring a live Lion. — We then returned on board. —

During the last two days the Captain has formed a plan which will materially affect the rest of our voyage. — Mr Harris is connected with two small Schooners employed in sealing & now at Rio Negro. He & the other Captain is well ackquainted[sic] with the adjoining coast. The Captain thought this so fine an opportunity that he has hired them both by the Month & intends sending officers in each who will survey this intricate coast whilst the Beagle (after returning to M Video) will proceed to the South. — By this means the time spent on the Eastern coast will be much shorter & this is hailed with joy by everybody. — Mr Harris will immediately go to Rio Negro to bring the vessels & soon after that we shall return to the Rio Plata.

[日記原典] "Charles Darwin's Beagle Diary" ed. by R.D.Keynes, Cambridge U.P., 1988.


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